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Drive Success
with Cubikey's
App Install Services

Elevate your app's presence and drive meaningful user engagement with Cubikey's App Install Services. In today's competitive digital landscape, standing out among millions of apps requires a strategic approach. Cubikey offers comprehensive app marketing solutions designed to boost app installs and drive user acquisition. With our expertise and proven track record, we're the trusted partner to help your app thrive in the crowded app marketplace.

Partnership Approach:

Cubikey offers a strategic partnership approach to app installs, leveraging installs from OEM platforms, in-app platforms, and our own DSP platform. Through these partnerships, we ensure maximum reach and effectiveness in driving app installs, reaching users at various touchpoints throughout their digital journey.

Our approach to app install services encompasses thorough requirement gathering, meticulous planning, strategic alignment of inventories, and implementation of robust fraud detection tools. By focusing on every aspect of the app install process, we ensure maximum efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency throughout the campaign.

Choose Cubikey as your app marketing agency for mobile installs to benefit from our expertise, data-driven strategies, and commitment to delivering results. With a focus on innovation and excellence, we'll help you achieve your app's goals and exceed your expectations.

The benefits of app marketing

Targeted Advertising Campaigns

Reach your ideal audience through precise targeting across various platforms, ensuring maximum exposure and relevance.

Social Media Promotion

Utilize the reach and engagement potential of social media platforms to showcase your app and encourage downloads.

App Store Optimization

Enhance your app's visibility and rankings on app stores through strategic keyword optimization, compelling descriptions, and captivating visuals.

Paid Search Campaigns

Boost app visibility through targeted ads on search engines, capturing users actively searching for relevant apps.

Influencer Marketing

Leverage the power of influencers to promote your app to their engaged audience, driving authentic installs and user engagement.

Remarketing Campaigns

Re-engage users who have shown interest in your app but haven't installed it yet, increasing conversion rates and ROI.

Our Inventories


At Cubikey, we've established fruitful collaborations with prominent OEMs, enabling us to tap into their vast user base and drive quality installs for your mobile app. Leveraging these partnerships, we access prime advertising real estate directly on users' devices, ensuring optimal visibility and engagement. By strategically targeting users through OEM platforms, we're able to effectively promote your app to a relevant and receptive audience, ultimately driving meaningful app installs and user acquisition.


Our partnerships extend beyond OEMs to encompass top-tier in-app platforms, where we seamlessly integrate your app into users' daily digital experiences. Through these strategic alliances, we position your app within contextually relevant environments, maximizing its exposure to engaged audiences. By leveraging in-app partnerships, we capitalize on users' existing behaviors and preferences, facilitating organic app discovery and driving quality installs that lead to long-term user engagement and retention.

DSP Platform

Cubikey's proprietary Demand-Side Platform empowers us to execute highly targeted and efficient app install campaigns. With access to premium ad inventory across various channels and formats, we deliver your app's message to the right audience at the right time. Leveraging advanced targeting capabilities and real-time optimization, our DSP platform ensures optimal campaign performance, driving quality installs and maximizing return on investment.

Our clients

Let's have a chat

We would love to hear from you to chat about your app marketing goals. Drop us a message, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.